For the Love of Payroll Asantha Wijeyeranthe


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For the Love of Payroll

Episode 20 features Asantha Wijeyeranthe, the entrepreneurial force behind PaySauce, as their team navigate the challenges and triumphs of innovating in New Zealand's payroll industry.

This is a tale of sustainable growth, customer empathy, and leveraging third-party tools to elevate the client experience. We delive into the complexities of B2B marketing with Asantha and co-founder Troy Tarrant, who create simple, compliant payroll solutions for SMEs.

The episode uncovers the importance of customer satisfaction and empathetic support for small business owners in a stress-filled environment.

Swayed by numbers? See how the Net Promoter Score (NPS) impacts a company’s financial health and the role of CRM systems in building lasting customer relationships.

Learn about PaySauce’s strategic move from legacy systems to innovative solutions, capturing niche markets through community networking.

Celebrate with us PaySauce's eight-year journey to cash flow breakeven without constant investor funding, and envision the future of AI in enhancing SaaS community interactions.

Connect with Asantha on LinkedIn

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